Work for Park Gate
Interested in joining us?
We advertise here for apprentices and trainees, administration staff, labourers, stores, sales, skilled electrical, managerial and technical staff
If you are interested in joining Park Gate or hearing about vacancies when they occur please email us.
We currently have a vacancies for the following positions:-
All sections of the business are experiencing increased workload at present and so we have vacancies as shown below.
Please note that in some cases we would consider applicants who don’t fully satisfy all of the indicated criteria but who would be willing to develop into the role through training and experience.
Installation Electricians
Park Gate are seeking qualified installation electricians for work on local and national contracts.
If you are an industrial electrician, or an experienced domestic or commercial electrical who would perhaps like to learn new skills in an industrial environment, with good rates of pay and conditions, or perhaps to earn more by working nationally, then please get in touch for an informal chat on 01228 552000.
Semi-Skilled Worker Control – Control Panel Department
Park Gate are seeking a semi-skilled worker to train and develop for the long term, within our control panel department. To manufacture a variety of electrical control panels inc. mounting plate assembly & wiring.
Applicants should have good technical skills, an eye for detail, ability to work to strict procedures and be comfortable working in an electrical workshop. Additional training can be offered to further develop the role. Consideration will be given to people with an interest in engineering who are willing to learn new skills.
Control Panel Electrician
To work primarily in our Control Panel Department, carrying out the manufacture and electrical wiring of control panels for industrial plant including motor controls, PLC’s, Variable Speed Drives and also carrying out onsite electrical work.
Applicants should have good technical skills, be well organised, ideally have proven ability of working in the industry as part of a team or individually. Training would be offered to electricians moving into a control panel manufacturing environment
Personnel Dept
Park Gate and Co Ltd
87 Kingstown Broadway
Kingstown Industrial Estate
Alternatively email or telephone 01228 552000 to request an application form or further details.
At Park Gate we are very proud of our record in training and retaining apprentices and staff, some of whom have been with us over 30 years.
More than half of our employees have either trained or are training with us on nationally accredited apprenticeship programmes.
Park Gate get a lot of applicants and can only appoint a very limited number. Our selection process involves rigorous assessment and interviews to allow us to select the best candidates.
Our minimum qualification requirements are 9-4 grades in Maths, English, a science subject and a practical/technical subject. Candidates must also have passed the *JTL aptitude test. Those with an interest in engineering and hobbies or experience involving practical work often have an advantage.
Applications, which should be made in writing, are taken throughout the year with selection and interviews being held during June & July, successful candidates usually taking up posts around the end of August. We normally take 2 apprentices each year but this figure varies depending on our need and we are not committed to taking any number.
Our advice to those seeking apprenticeships is to apply to as many companies as possible to increase your chances of gaining a position contact JTL?” jTL is the training organisation allied to JIB, the electrical contracting industry body responsible for training and grading electricians.
To find out more about the electrical apprenticeship programme and to take the JTL aptitude test, contact the local training advisor.
Gary Hodgkison
Tel: 07717851844
For more information look at
From time to time vacancies occur in a variety of positions including apprentices and trainees, admin, labouring, stores, sales, skilled electrical work and managerial and technical. If you would be interested in hearing of vacancies when they occur please email your details in confidence.